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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

love this time of year :)

it's that time of year again...the time of year that finds us more outside than inside. we have all been super enjoying all the beauty of the early bloomers and the glory of the late sunlight. we have been walking, skating, biking, running, and playing out in nature so much and i have found little time to sit down to my at-home mac and blog. but here i am, and i am glad to be back.

avery is celebrating spring break this week. and when i say "celebrating" i mean it. he has been, well, being. being=whatever strikes his fancy. this may sound boring to some...but to a boy who is normally scheduled with (wonderful) outside activities EVERY day after school, being IS NOT boring.

he has been all over campus (it is quiet with all the students away) with the dog, has been swimming with friends (indoor), watching movies (whenever!), reading reading reading, working for me (chores, YAY!) to make some cash, and much, much more.

we had thought of doing something in the way of a vacation, but chose to staycate instead. we are saving up for a big'un (hello...NYC?) and thought it best to enjoy a little down time here.
so....on our staycate list for the weekend (although ave may groan)...prepping our garden for the upcoming growing season....YAY! and (this makes him smile) his grandparents will visit with their lovely pooch, jake (rip will be in heaven), this weekend.
here's to springbreak 2011!


jp said...

Sounds great! I miss the relaxing days of school vacays. I hope he enjoys them while he can!

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