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Friday, February 25, 2011

ave's new desk and chair in our living room...waiting on a vacated spot to open up in his room.02.20.2011.

avery has been using a desk that was my mother's, then mine for most of his childhood. it is a very small, very simple wooden desk. it's been a perfect desk for a child. but wait...avery is moving out of "child" and into (very) "young adult." he has been complaining about the size of it for about a year. our friends have recently remodeled their home and with that has come a surplus of odds and ends that are so cool, old, and/or antique. i was over at their house the other day and he asked me if i needed a desk and i asked to see said desk. turned out the desk is perfect for my young adult child (he will always be my child). there happened to be an old chair needing a new home, as well. i said, "we'll take 'em!" and now my boy has a big boy desk and chair. we installed them last weekend and he has been so smitten by the addition.
thanks rich and cathy!!


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